
You can select volunteer tasks that interest you, that you want to learn more about, and that you enjoy. Our staff will train you and provide support to help you be successful. This volunteer opportunity also has flexible scheduling to help you out during the week when it works for your schedule. It is a great way to learn and develop new job skills while helping others. Please, note that most of the volunteer tasks are during regular business hours. For the event day volunteering, you will be provided the hours ahead of time.

Additional Requirements

5K Run4Love

Grab your running shoes to celebrate Craniofacial Acceptance Month through our annual 5K Run4Love. You can join the Love Without Reason team in Chattanooga at the Tennessee Riverpark or participate with your run virtually wherever you are. Our own Philip Mathews inspired Love Without Reason, and the run continues in his honor. Get warmed up and start the run to make Philip’s dream come true “to see the world cleft-free!”

Volunteer Application