A Look Back and Celebration of 10 years

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A Look Back and Celebration of 10 years

It was on Friday, August 8, 2008 that Santhosh, Philip and I made our way to the Children’s Hospital for Philip’s simple flap repair. This would be a 45-minute same day surgery, and we would be discharged home later in the afternoon.But in that span of…

Craniofacial Acceptance Month

September is Craniofacial Acceptance Month, and I asked Philip what that meant to him. His response was that everyone deserves respect and dignity, no matter what they look like. It isn’t easy to walk around with a facial birth defect, with scars on…

Inaugural Mission to KENYA!

As I was searching for the final numbers and data collected from the recent mission to Kenya, I could not find any updates on the website. It has been such a busy few weeks since we returned from Kenya, that I did not even blog about it!Thirty-one members made…

Milestones and Memories

LWR had a “celebration” tour of sorts in celebrating the milestone 10 years in Chattanooga, TN and also in Elmont, New York! We could be coming to a city near you, keep your eyes peeled!One of the featured young men during these events was young Harsha…

Promises Made, Promises Kept

The tears have been endless for the past month. I can’t believe it has been one month, since my baby boy passed from this world. I miss him so much. No parent should bury their child. It should always be the children who pick the coffin and make the funeral…

Love Reading about Christmas Miracles!!

Love Reading about Christmas Miracles!! Don’t you LOVE Christmas miracles? I’ll tell you one about a poor husband and wife who lived outside of Bangalore, India in a rural village. They had a happy dream of a new baby to be added to their family….

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