McCallie School joins with Love Without Reason

During the parent teacher meetings of Philip’s freshman year at the McCallie School, we were told that there would be an opportunity for the upcoming seniors to lead an international mission trip. Even though we kept this in our hearts, we did not know if Philip would get the approval to lead a group of students on a trip to India. During his junior year, interest developed, and a proposal was submitted. An expensive proposal! International airline tickets during the summer months are expensive, not to mention tourist sights and resorts! However, the proposal was accepted, and a total of 8 men signed up for the trip!

The culture, the smells, the sounds and the images will forever be imprinted in the minds of these young men. One young man made a recording in front of the Taj Mahal, “Mom, I’ve seen one of the 7 Wonders of the World, and I did it before you did!!” As they looked over the slums from the Project Butterfly center in Mumbai where women sold into trafficking learn basic education skills and the sewing trade, one young man shared, “This place is like a diamond in the rough.” So much ugliness and horror on the outside, but as you meet and see the children and young people living here, you see the beauty of those created in the image of God.

The young men will end their tour with a visit in the city of Bangalore. Here, they will have the opportunity to attend an LWR medical camp. They will meet patients who are recovering from their successful surgery. They will also see the process of screening for new patients who come to the medical camp.

There is much work to be done. There is a place for everyone to be involved in turning #BeautyFromTheAshes!! Perhaps you can give financially to support a surgery for a child, perhaps you can donate your printing services for an LWR newsletter. Whatever it is, get involved and make the impact that will change the future of a child forever!!

Because every child matters!


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