Pornography doesn’t Hurt Anyone

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Pornography doesn’t Hurt Anyone

Does it?

I stay on the email list and facebook pages of many different anti-trafficking nonprofits.  This week, one story caught my eye, and has not left me yet.

It was the story of a three year old girl who was found duct-taped and in her own feces in a garbage bag. She had been left in the care of a thirty-year old man and his girlfriend, by a mother who lived in the same apartment complex and was hooked on drugs. Apparently, the man who reported to the authorities the condition of this child, had gone to this apartment to have sex with this thirty year old guy. The guy offered the baby as well, but the man was disgusted and left.

The little girl has not uttered a word, and the experts think this may be due to the trauma. Apparently, the rapist was taping her mouth, so she must have been able to make some sounds at some point. I guess her eyes were not blindfolded.

She was abandoned by her mother and father, every thing that should have been secure in her life is gone. Her body was torn and ravaged by who knows how many people, not to mention the physical abuse of the rapist and his girlfriend, and the neglect and malnourishment of this baby.

For those who think that pornography doesn’t hurt anyone, they only need to meet this three year old baby girl. She was being sold, her body was trafficked for sex. These sick animals exploited her body, and the sick filth who saw her, bought her to rape her. Pornography fuels sex trafficking.

I know there’s hope for this precious baby, I am going to name Hope. I know there’s nothing too hard for the Lord. Please pray that the right resources, networks, compassionate and understanding caregivers come into her life. The trauma she has endured can be overcome, with the God who promises to be near the brokenhearted and who will work through each of us to help her and others like her.

There’s hope for the addicts as well. There are LIFE recovery groups that go through amazing counseling sessions and therapy. You can find more information at

Thank you for praying for Hope and for joining the work of LWR. We will keep fighting to end the demand, and to combat pornography and human trafficking of our children. We do this..

..because every child matters,


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