Wisdom tooth experiences

Wisdom tooth experiences

The only surgery I can recall having was about 25 years ago. I had a permanent tooth lodged sideways in my jaw, which I was told would never erupt naturally. Therefore, I still have one baby tooth. 🙂

My dentist has reminded me many times over the past 1-2 years that I should get my wisdom teeth also taken out sooner rather than later. He mentioned that recovery is much easier the younger we are. Not a flattering kind of word from my dentist, but I did accept it.

So last week I had a wisdom tooth extracted. The same oral surgeon who has extracted Philip’s extra teeth, performed my surgery. As I waited in the chair prior to the surgery, my mind wandered to Philip and all the thoughts in his mind before he goes for surgery. What concerns in his mind, what thoughts he thinks. I compared it to myself. Could I just rest peacefully knowing that God is in control?

Recovery from this tooth extraction has been very difficult. I can barely open my mouth due to the swelling on my face and the pain in my gums. I thought of our young Shivaranjan. For fourteen years he swallowed liquid food through a straw because of his locked jaws. What suffering these young people have gone through? And on top of the physical needs, I am reminded of their emotional needs. What humiliation and shame they undergo in their daily walk through life. And yet I’m so inspired because they do not let these “obstacles” get in the way of their goals. Instead, they press on.

I think it was a good thing for me to go through this surgery. I could feel some of the pain and the heart’s desires of our patients. I needed to be reminded of their courage and perseverance to press on in spite of what stands in the way. May God help each of us in our daily walk to keep our eyes on Jesus, He is the way.

Because every child matters!


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