Recap of May

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Recap of May

Well, friends, like I told you in a previous post, the month of May was not looking good for us. As of the end of May many things happened in regards to Philip.

You already knew about his spine. This was one thing that I was so concerned about, in light of Philip’s future. Then, he went to see his doctor who is adjusting the braces in his mouth. He informed us that two teeth in Philip’s upper and lower gum line has to be removed in order to move forward in the plan to straighten his teeth. He had two teeth excised in November, now apparently some others have moved into the way and path that the orthodontist disapproves. It was stressful to hear his comments and concerns.

At the end of May we took Philip to his orthotist who makes his prosthetic eye. The eye has been coming out on its own, and we had hoped he could do some adjustments to ensure that the eye would stay in the socket. However, he looked at it, and said it was a problem with Philip’s eye lid. He had surgery on it last January to help keep the prosthetic in place. Now we learned that the eye lid would need to be adjusted again in another surgery.

May was a hurting and disappointing month. I really did not know where to even start to think about Philip’s summer and his health. Where to begin? What is priority? What can wait until later?

Please keep us in prayer. We need wisdom and discernment to make the best decisions for Philip, according to the will of God. Those that look to Him, will be enlightened and never be put to shame. That is the promise of God. We have our hope in it.

God bless you!

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